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Supreme Court Raises Concerns Over Unlawful Home Demolitions


Supreme Court Raises Concerns Over Unlawful Home Demolitions

Demolitions Without Due Process

The Supreme Court has raised concerns over the unlawful demolition of homes, emphasizing the need for proper adherence to due process and legal procedures.

'Bulldozers for Justice' Questioned

The Court has questioned the practice of using bulldozers to demolish alleged illegal structures, expressing concern that such actions may violate fundamental rights.

The Court has stressed that the authorities must follow established legal procedures, including providing adequate notice and an opportunity for residents to contest the allegations.

Lack of Notice and Arbitrary Actions

In recent cases, the Court has criticized the lack of proper notice and the arbitrary manner in which some demolitions have been carried out.

The Court has emphasized that the use of excessive force and the destruction of property without due process are unacceptable.

Balancing Property Rights and Law Enforcement

The Court acknowledges the need for authorities to maintain law and order and address illegal constructions.

However, it has emphasized that such actions must be balanced against the constitutional rights of property owners and residents.

Need for Restraint and Due Process

The Court has urged the authorities to exercise restraint and adhere to due process in the demolition of illegal structures.

It has called for proper investigation, clear evidence, and the provision of legal recourse to affected parties.

Impartial and Independent Judiciary

The Court's intervention highlights the importance of an impartial and independent judiciary to protect the rights of citizens.

It serves as a reminder that the rule of law must prevail, even in situations involving alleged illegal constructions.

