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Oracle String_agg

Oracle's String_Agg: An In-Depth Guide


In the realm of data manipulation and analysis, Oracle's STRING_AGG function reigns supreme for its ability to concatenate multiple rows into a single string. This post delves into the comprehensive capabilities of STRING_AGG, exploring its syntax, usage, nuances, and practical applications. Whether you're a seasoned SQL developer or just starting to explore the depths of data manipulation, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to harness the power of STRING_AGG.

Syntax and Usage

The syntax of STRING_AGG is as follows:

``` STRING_AGG(expression, delimiter) ```


  • expression is the expression or column you want to concatenate.
  • delimiter (optional) is the separator you want to insert between the concatenated values. If omitted, the default delimiter is a comma (,).

To use STRING_AGG, simply specify the expression or column you want to concatenate and the desired delimiter. For example, the following query concatenates the name column from the customers table, separated by a semicolon (;):

``` SELECT STRING_AGG(name, ';') FROM customers; ```

Advanced Features

Beyond its basic functionality, STRING_AGG offers a range of advanced features that enhance its versatility. These include:


You can use the DISTINCT keyword to remove duplicate values from the concatenated string. Additionally, you can use the ORDER BY clause to sort the values before concatenation.


STRING_AGG can be combined with GROUP BY to perform group-wise concatenation. This is useful for summarizing data across different groups.

Conditional Concatenation

STRING_AGG allows you to apply conditions to the concatenation process. This enables you to selectively include or exclude values based on specific criteria.

Practical Applications

STRING_AGG has numerous practical applications in data analysis and reporting. Some common use cases include:

Creating Comma-Separated Lists

STRING_AGG can easily create comma-separated lists of values, which is useful for generating CSV files or passing data to other applications.

Summarizing Data

By combining STRING_AGG with GROUP BY, you can summarize data across different groups and generate consolidated reports.

Building Complex Strings

STRING_AGG enables you to construct complex strings by combining multiple values with custom delimiters. This is useful for creating formatted text or generating HTML code.


Oracle's STRING_AGG function is a powerful tool that empowers you to concatenate multiple rows into a single string. Its versatility and advanced features make it an invaluable asset for data analysis and reporting. Whether you're working with large datasets or simply need to combine values for a specific purpose, STRING_AGG provides you with the flexibility and control to achieve your desired results.
