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Job Market

The UAE Labour Market: A Thriving Hub for Businesses and Professionals

Steady Growth in Company Registrations

The UAE Labour Market Observatory has reported a significant increase in the number of companies established in 2023, surpassing the figures for 2022. This growth reflects the country's attractive business environment, supportive infrastructure, and its commitment to economic diversification.

Growing Competitiveness and Expansion

The Observatory also provides insights into various competitiveness indicators, which showcase the UAE's strong position in the global market. The availability of skilled labor, advanced technology, and favorable business regulations have contributed to the country's competitiveness and expansion.

Technology's Impact on Job Market Dynamics

The UAE job market has witnessed significant changes driven by technological advancements. LinkedIn data reveals the top five rapidly growing jobs and in-demand skills, reflecting the increasing demand for technical and digital expertise in various industries.

A Dynamic Marketplace for Employers and Employees

The UAE job market remains a dynamic and competitive environment where employers seek qualified candidates, and employees pursue suitable job opportunities. This interplay between supply and demand continues to shape the overall job market dynamics.


The UAE Labour Market Observatory serves as a valuable resource for stakeholders, providing comprehensive data and information on various aspects of the UAE labor market. The steady growth in company registrations, the country's competitiveness, the impact of technology, and the dynamic job market highlight the UAE's position as a thriving hub for businesses and professionals.
