Time in Romania - Current Time and Time Zone
Local Time in Bucharest
The current local time in Bucharest, Romania is [insert current time here].
Time Zones and DST
Romania observes Eastern European Time (EET), which is 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). During daylight saving time (DST), which is observed from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October, the time in Romania is 3 hours ahead of UTC.
Key Cities and Time Zones
City | Time Zone |
Bucharest | EET/EEST (DST) |
Cluj-Napoca | EET/EEST (DST) |
Timisoara | EET/EEST (DST) |
Iasi | EET/EEST (DST) |
Constanta | EET/EEST (DST) |
Note: EEST stands for Eastern European Summer Time, which is the DST time zone in Romania.